Chester Fields wedding photography – Elly and Bren
“We always said we wanted the suppliers involved in our wedding to feel like mates, and we definitely got that vibe from Nik. Nik had our alternative edge, a shared love of music and similar interests. As well as being insanely talented!”
It’s no secret that I love my music, I can talk about my favourite bands and songs for hours on end. I got chatting about music to Elly over Instagram and we spent ages swapping tracks, reminiscing about gigs and generally being big old music geeks together. Basically, we bonded! Elly, Bren and I then met up for a beer, we got on like a house on fire and next thing I know I’m at their wedding photographing them dancing to My Chemical Romance!
Chester city centre wedding
Elly and Bren’s plan was always to do things their way. To forget tradition and have an alternative day that was completely and utterly them. They’d originally booked the Deaf Institute, a fantastic gig venue in Manchester, but Covid scuppered those plans. They didn’t let that deter them, they just went straight back into planning mode and came up with an even more awesome idea.
They were determined not to let Covid stop them again so decided to stay closer to home and get legally married at Chester Registry Office. The day started with a first look in the Cathedral Gardens. Their faces were an absolute picture when they set eyes on each other!
After their short but sweet wedding ceremony it was time to get the party started! Elly and Bren led a parade of guests through Chester city centre, of course we stopped off at a few landmarks on the way for photos. A Chester wedding isn’t complete without a photograph in front of Eastgate Clock!
They arrived at Grosvenor Park to cheers and whoops from their family and friends who all gathered together to watch Elly and Bren’s second, much more personal, handfast ceremony. I absolutely loved the vows they said to each other. Elly had brilliantly put together promises made up of their favourite song lyrics while Bren turned out to be a talented poet! His poem told the story of their relationship and there was a lot of laughter as he talked about some of the more memorable moments they’d spent together. The ceremony ended with Elly and Bren walking through a tunnel of bubbles (instead of confetti they’d provided their guests with bubble guns) which made for some fab photos!
Wedding reception at Chester Fields
While their guests made their way over to Chester Fields Elly, Bren and I had a stroll around the park for some couple portraits. These two are a dream to photograph, they’re so loved up and I don’t think they stopped laughing and smiling together all day!
Chester Fields is a converted barn, now country pub, on the edge of Chester. Surrounded by beautiful Cheshire countryside it’s got amazing views and a quirky, rustic charm.
Elly and Bren arrived in Sgt Peppermint, their mint green camper, and were greeted by more bubbles and cheers from their guests. Everyone was ready to crack on with the celebrations and hit the dancefloor!
Ever since she’d first heard the song Elly had pictured her first dance being to Summertime by My Chemical Romance. Bren was more than happy with this and I know it was a really emotional moment for her. As soon as they could, their friends and family crowded onto the dancefloor and the place went wild! One of Elly’s lasting memories from the day was when the DJ blasted out Blind Faith, Chase n Status. It’s a bit of an anthem for her, Bren and their closest friends so the dancefloor was packed as soon as it came on. Elly stopped dancing and just took a moment to take it all in. She confided that it was the first time that day she’d shed a tear and the image of everyone partying will stay with her forever.
Bren, Elly, what a day! Your wedding was as ace as your taste in music, and that’s saying something! It was so hard to pick some favourites for this blog post but I think I managed it…here they are!